If you’ve always wanted to live in an exclusive condo built on top of a heritage church — then you have very specific tastes — High Park Condominiums is the property you’ve been seeking. This 20-Storey condominium incorporates the 1920 church which serves now as the lobby, giving High Park Condominiums a regal appearance as it towers above a classic church-facade and concrete pillars.
- Exercise Room
- Party Room
- Billiards Room
- Theatre Room
- Security Guard
- Parking Garage
Rentals available at High Park

Each rental comes complete with air conditioning, five appliances and a generous level of standard features. Plus Daniels is happy to offer our award-winning service and quick response to repairs, if and when necessary.
Daniels looks beyond the bricks and mortar to include social, cultural and economic amenities that create a unique sense of place and a feeling of belonging.
Speak with a Daniels Sales Representative for further details...
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